Mobile and Web

Studies show that 75 percent of people judge the credibility of a business based on the design of its website. Obviously, credibility has a direct relation to how likely people are to make a purchase. You need to ensure that your website conveys that you are a legitimate and trustworthy business, which is often determined by the quality of the web design.
In addition, web design has a direct impact on conversion. Changing simply the design elements of a web page for a marketing campaign can produce big lifts in conversion. That means edging out your competition and improving revenues.
Apart from just design, it is important to ensure your website is mobile friendly with fast loading speed. Mobile is becoming or has become the dominant digital platform consumer’s use, now accounting for 62 percent of all digital media time. With this in mind, it is important to get your mobile strategy in place.
Start by considering how your customers are already interacting with you on mobile and how you can better shape that experience. If you have not yet developed your mobile strategy, consider whether a mobile accelerated page/site will be a good platform for you to speak to your customers and then deliver timely, relevant and meaningful content that grows your customer relationships.